Minggu, 15 Desember 2019

Learn about Factual Report

In this audio i want explain about text factual report. This material for student senior hight shool grade 11, And the basic competens is students can make the text about factual report.
I have you enjoy with this audio :)

Senin, 02 Desember 2019

Tutorial Combine The Audio With Use Application Audacity

Hello everyone!
In this time, i want show you the tutorial to combine the audio with ude application audacity. 
Audacity is the application to edit file audio, you can use this application in your laptop or computer in our system operations. 
I hope you can use the audacity to edite all of file audio.
Enjoy with the video:)

Senin, 25 November 2019

What and How to Ta'aruf ?

Before, my friend must know what is ta'aruf. So ta'aruf is the best way to establish an Islamic relationship or the introduction and strengthening of the heart before the meaning of marriage in Islam is in accordance with the dalil. Ta'aruf in Islam is generally interpreted as an introduction.  Well, for my friend who wants to know more about the understanding of ta'aruf and how the correct ta'aruf procedures are in accordance with Islamic Sharia, let's refer to the complete information that the author presents below, 7 Ways of the Right Taaruf.

Senin, 18 November 2019

Beauty is not allowed

1. Planting teeth with gold
For the sake of health and appearance, teeth that are out of date can certainly be replaced with dentures.  Today there are many dentures that are used with various materials, including gold.  In fact, often dentures with gold become their own prestige. However, actually patching gold teeth is not allowed if for beauty.  Dental fillings or materials from gold can only be used for health, if it turns out someone can not use materials other than gold.

Minggu, 17 November 2019


The basic meaning of the word hijrah is to leave, keep away from, and move from.  This is what makes hijrah can have a variety of different meanings.  The meaning of the word hijrah can be seen from general meanings, or even specific meanings according to context.