Senin, 18 November 2019

Beauty is not allowed

1. Planting teeth with gold
For the sake of health and appearance, teeth that are out of date can certainly be replaced with dentures.  Today there are many dentures that are used with various materials, including gold.  In fact, often dentures with gold become their own prestige. However, actually patching gold teeth is not allowed if for beauty.  Dental fillings or materials from gold can only be used for health, if it turns out someone can not use materials other than gold.

2. Wearing nail polish
Did you know that actual nail polish should not be used?  This is because the paint on the nail polish will stick to the user's nails.  When a woman performs wudoo ', nail polish will block the water from reaching her finger part, which is the nail.
3. Connecting nails
Artificial nails are not permitted unless your nails are damaged or broken due to health problems.  It is not permissible for Muslim women to attach artificial nails for the sake of beauty and to simply show off.
4. Filing teeth
Many people do miser techniques to correct their unattractive teeth.  However, actually thinking of teeth includes unwholesome deeds and altering God's creation.  That is why, filing teeth including actions that are forbidden by God.
5. Lengthening nails
At any time bacteria from dirt can stick to the tip of a long nail.  That is why extending nails, including actions that are prohibited in Islam.  Even the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu a Alaihi Wa Sallam ordered that the Companions did not leave their nails longer than forty days.
6. Body tattoo
In the world of fashion, tattoos do have their own place.  Even according to Prof.  Quraish Shihab, expert commentary on the Koran, tattoos have been known since the time of Rasullah SAW.  However, in Islam tattoos are strictly prohibited.  Rasullah SAW condemned it, even people who tattooed their bodies would get damnation from Allah.
7. Connect hair
 Because the technique of connecting hair with wigs using glue does not require a long time.  Unfortunately, this act is also prohibited in Islam.  Because it is an excessive act to show off beauty.  After all, what a woman needs to do with her hair is to cover it with hijab.
8. Having the eyebrows
Actually, in Islamic Jurisprudence, the act of shaving the eyebrows is forbidden in part or in whole.  It has even been mentioned in the hadith when the act of plucking or shaving an eyebrow, also called the word "nams" is prohibited for both women and men.

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