Sabtu, 16 November 2019

Dangers of Selfie Photos in Islam

The phenomenon of selfies seems to be a trend among modern society today. Not only teenagers, but those who are still young to adulthood also take part in the yuforia taking selfies. So, what about selfie law in Islam? Is this activity contrary to religion or is it legal to do it?

This will be the subject of this discussion. Where selfies are often done by teenagers to adults today it turns out to save some danger. Here are the dangers of selfie photos in Islam that you should know about:
  1. Selfie Photo Is Haram For Islam : most of the ulama are of the opinion that if the activity of making a picture that resembles creating Allah SWT such as humans, animals or plants then it is punished haram.This also seems to be the case with selfies. Where someone will flock to make what has resembled his creation, namely by making a photo of himself. This relates to the law displaying photos in the house according to Islam. 
  2. Causing Sahwat for others who are not Muhrim : Another thing that is considered about selfies that should not be done is the emergence of sahwat for other people who are not Muslims. This is clear, when your selfie was uploaded through social media and a number of people saw it. It is not impossible if any of them admire even like what you have shown. Including body parts and others.
  3. Raising Riya's Nature : ’Not only kemudhorotan that can arise in the heart of someone who takes a selfie. But the emergence of riya in Islam will also deliver them to behavior that is hated by Allah SWT.
  4. Thinking Shy : Selfie is one form of activities carried out in order to follow the narcissism that is in him. If this activity continues to be carried out, it is not impossible that people who like to take selfies will automatically have less shame. This has something to do with the primacy of shame in Islam.
  5. Become Adzab For Those Who Do It : Although the selfie activity is more loved by women, it is the thing that can poison their minds to continue to satisfy their passion for self-narratives. It is this predisposition to riya 'and ujub that will lead to heavier adzab. Namely adzab in the natural Barzah later.

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