Minggu, 17 November 2019


The basic meaning of the word hijrah is to leave, keep away from, and move from.  This is what makes hijrah can have a variety of different meanings.  The meaning of the word hijrah can be seen from general meanings, or even specific meanings according to context.

 In the general meaning, which is moving, the meaning of hijrah can be understood as the story of the Prophet Muhammad who moved the city from Mecca to Medina.  Everyone can use the word hijrah to move physically from one place to another.  So the use of the word "Hijrah" as in the song The Changcuters entitled "Hijrah to London" is not wrong.

 The migration that was carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW became the starting point for the Hijriyah Calendar.  Caliph Umar bin Khatab stipulated that the Muslim calendar, which was given the name of the Hijri Calendar, would begin with the great event that occurred in the life of the Prophet Muhammad.  According to the Caliph Umar, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina with the companions of the Prophet was the most monumental event in the development of Islam, so it should be the basis of the calendar adopted by Muslims.

 While in a more specific meaning, some scholars associate the word hijrah by moving in the faith.  The condition in question is moving from "darul kufr" or a condition of kufr, towards "darul Islam." Instead of being physical, moving in this context is the condition of one's Islamic faith.

 Beyond these two meanings, there are still other hijrahs that are more rarely mentioned.  Call it the Hijrah Fikriyah, from the word fiqrun which means thinking.  Here, the move is a move of thought, with more focus on Islamic-based thinking.

 There is also the Sulukiyyah Hijrah, taken from the word Suluk which means behavior or personality.  The focus of this hijrah is one's morality or personality.  What is changed is not merely a person's faith, but also his personality and behavior are changed in the direction that looks more like a Muslim.

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