Senin, 25 November 2019

What and How to Ta'aruf ?

Before, my friend must know what is ta'aruf. So ta'aruf is the best way to establish an Islamic relationship or the introduction and strengthening of the heart before the meaning of marriage in Islam is in accordance with the dalil. Ta'aruf in Islam is generally interpreted as an introduction.  Well, for my friend who wants to know more about the understanding of ta'aruf and how the correct ta'aruf procedures are in accordance with Islamic Sharia, let's refer to the complete information that the author presents below, 7 Ways of the Right Taaruf.

1. Clearing Intentions for Allah
Clean up intentions, and the sincerity of marriage is merely worship to seek His pleasure and achieve the virtue of marriage in Islam.
2. Efforts to Maintain Purity
 In order for the purity of the event the true way of ta'aruf is to be guarded, it is necessary to watch for the shari'a (not to relax, keep an eye on, keep the aura etc), to choose the right place (not a suspicious place like a narrow cost room, etc.)
3. Honesty of the Parties
During the process of the right ta'aruf process, both parties are asked to ask what my friend needs with the honest priorities of Islam to be around the family for example family situation, principles and life expectancy, something likes and dislikes etc.
4. Intermediary Required
Having an intermediary will help the friend find information about the right way ta'aruf partner.  The right ta'aruf way to do without intermediaries will be prone to hygiene, because if the right ta'aruf is done only once then everything can happen.  Words that should not be uttered or uttered will be easily dismissed.
5. Known Parents and Family
As for the process that my friend knows if through parents, relatives, friends, etc. that is started by asking whether they are willing to be introduced to the candidates for the correct ta'aruf method, determine when the correct ta'aruf method, determine the meeting place (usually the men come to the house  women, but can also be elsewhere), introducing the two candidates to the correct way of ta'aruf (as long as it is possible to question what is needed)
6. Determine the Khitbah Time and so on
Both candidates return to their homes and are given a period of time to think or pray, then if the couple feels comfortable they will proceed to the next process which is when the sermon and the next process.
7. Avoid conversation is not important
Avoid unnecessary conversations, avoid words that can damage the heart and don't cross the line, texting only as needed in the process of getting married.  Because with frequent bersmsan it is feared that it will cause slander and may fall into courtship activities.

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