Minggu, 10 November 2019

What's wrong with the veil in Indonesia?

The issue of using the veil (niqab) for women is actually a problem that is still being disputed by Islamic legal experts.  Due to space and time limitations we will not explain in detail about these differences.  We will only present globally as documented in the book Al-Mawsu'atul Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah.

 According to the Madzhab Hanafi  of thought, today young women (al-mar'ah asy-syabbah) are prohibited from opening their faces among men.  Not because the face is included genitalia, but rather to avoid slander.

In contrast to the Madzhab Hanafi of thought, the Madzhab Malikiof thought states that the legal ruling of women covers the face both when in prayer and outside prayer because it includes exaggeration (al-ghuluw).

 But on the one hand they argue that covering two palms and faces for a young woman is feared to cause defamation, when she is a beautiful woman or in a situation where a lot of moral depravity or corruption arises.

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